About CDF

Career Discovery Forum (CDF) was introduced by Leave a Nest Group, Japan in 2016. It is a unique platform where university graduates, students, researchers, startups, big corporations and government agencies meet, mingle and discuss together about current career development and future career opportunities. This platform creates valuable opportunities for both graduates and corporations especially through communication in bringing new insights and innovation for future careers that can contribute to the society and the world.

Who should join CDF

We welcome students, university graduates and researchers from a variety of backgrounds to join our Career Discovery Forum to explore and discover future career ideas. CDF program also pleased to invite startups, corporations and government agencies to share about the current company and industry needs, introduce internship or available in-house training programs for graduates, meet new talents and create new career or employment opportunity.

Participation Benefits

Participants will get the opportunity to discuss and design careers related to their passion. Participants will also get a chance to listen to the Keynote Speakers from industry or government agency, and join Forum Sessions that will touch on topics related to the future of work and gain interesting insights by the industry. These sessions will inspire and spark new ideas for participants. Another unique session in our CDF is Open Booth Discussion, where each of the participating companies can set a topic to be discussed with participants. This session will encourage analytical and creative thinking skills among the participants to come up with new ideas to solve industry challenges.