Leave a Nest Malaysia (LVNS MY) successfully hosted the Career Discovery Forum (CDF) 2023 Info Session with Euglena on the 22nd of December 2022. The session featured Mr. Yu Inaba, General Manager of the Research & Development Division from Euglena Malaysia.
The info session started with Mr. Ayappa introducing Leave a Nest and CDF 2023. This was followed by Mr. Yu Inaba’s career talk entitled “Discovering Your Career Path with Euglena”. He shared his career journey from his post-graduate study till joning Euglena after graduation. He also introduced Euglena Co., Ltd., a listed company on the Tokyo Stock Exchange market with a key business area in microalgae cultivation and it’s uses in various products. He then concluded his career talk by advertising Euglena Malaysia’s recruitment and postgraduate scholarship. Euglena Malaysia is looking to recruit researchers with a background of either PhD or MSc in microalgae, biology, plant science or any related fields whereas for the postgraduate scholarship, the candidate will be placed at the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) UTM Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Ayappa then explained in detail how to apply for the researcher position as well as the postgraduate scholarship which required the applicants to submit a video presentation.
Before the info session ended, Mr. Zaim shared about the Mini Career Workshop, a workshop crafted to help students and graduates in engaging with industry. The workshop will also guide the participants on the preparation of the vide presentation, to help the participants to apply to Euglena Malaysia. The Mini Career Workshop will be held on the 6th January 2023, between 10 am to 12 pm via an online platform.

Participants of the Career Talk with Malaysia Euglena

Opportunity offered by Euglena Malaysia and support from Leave a Nest Malaysia through a workshop